Our Frame of Mind

A collection of tips, framing techniques and artist insights.
For the Love of Art

For the Love of Art

The creation of art has a magical allure. What may begin as a curiosity - a love of a subject, a person, or a perspective, can quickly pull you into a world of exploration, into mediums, color, light and shadow - experimenting with the possibilities. Your fascination takes on a life of its own. As your skills grow you may feel empowered by your ability and capacity to speak through your work. It’s surprising, to make an impact if only on yourself – a gratifying form of play. How exiting to bring an idea to life!



It's easy to assume this comes naturally to only a gifted few, and maybe that is true – sometimes. But let’s not diminish what it truly takes for the rest of us – the courage, the grit, the practice, the investment of time, energy, and money. It’s a commitment, a labor of love. We only see the finished product of what you, the artist, chooses to show. Less obvious is the process. How many times have you started a sketch, only to restart it another 20 times? How many hours have you spent on honing the color scheme for a painting? How many times have you started one idea, then moved on to the next (feeling like a jumbled mess), with that next project proving to be just the right experience you needed to be able to return to the first? This is not trivial. Your process is worthy and highly respectable no matter what the outcome.


Do you ever just feel afraid to make that first mark on a page? How do you make the leap? (Have you read ‘Art and Fear’ –it’s real!) 


Does anyone really understand what it takes to keep showing art even when your work is judged unfavorably, or even worse, ignored? But on the flip side, how empowered you might feel with YOU ignore THEM? Yes, snub them and move forward!

Through art and the making of art, we think, we experience, we dream, and most importantly, we learn. And that is alluring.


I can’t live without it. And neither can you.

So, we made this video which we refer to as our passion piece, ‘For the Love of Art’, to celebrate you, your story, your process, your outcomes.

I truly hope you connect with it.

In celebration of artists and the spirit of Valentine’s Day,

With Love,



January 20, 2025
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