Artist Profile: Nick Buck

American Frame: What is your genre?
Nick Buck: I consider myself a portraiture artist. I’ve always loved to paint or draw faces of friends, family members, anyone.
What is your medium?
I used to work mostly in graphite, but lately, it’s been digital art. A few years ago, I got a digital tablet. I’ve been using it ever since. I work the same way I would with traditional tools, but I use an iPad instead of a sketchbook.
Who’s your biggest influence artistically?
Really, the many artists I’ve met online. Over the last couple years, I’ve run into many artists who post their work onto social media, which I do, too. Every day on my phone, I see amazing art. I can get to know these artists and talk all day about their process.

If you could talk to any artist, alive or passed, who would it be?
Leonardo da Vinci. Not only was he an amazing artist, he was an amazing thinker and creator. It would be a blast to pick his brain and find out what kind of person he really was.
What is your biggest challenge as an artist?
Coming up with new ideas. I’m really hard on myself about how I create a new painting or drawing. I always want the next thing I create to be brand new. I love the feeling I get when I experience something for the first time. I want to give others that same feeling when they look at my new work.
How do you break through creative blocks?
I used to experience creative blocks almost daily. I constantly felt like I wasn’t doing enough or what I create wouldn’t be as good as the last thing I made. But recently, I took a big break from making art and tried to understand why this happens not only to me, but other artists. I concluded that creative blocks are part of the process. They’re your brain and soul telling you that you might need to take a step back and let your creative juices regenerate. Watch TV, practice guitar, play some video games, get some extra sleep. Then, come back when you feel truly inspired and ready to create.
What are you most proud of?
This may sound cheesy: I’m most proud of everyone who’s managed to get through 2020. It’s been hard on everyone. Life has been flipped upside down. It takes a lot of guts togo outside, put on a mask, and try our best with this new normal.

What piece of advice would you give artists?
Do your thing and have fun. A lot of new artists will question whether their work has a “style,” or wonder if it’s making an impact. It takes time. Create what you want and what makes you happy. Everything else will fall into place. And, remember the number-one rule about art: There are no rules.
What do you want customers to know about AF?
That American Frame is a lot more personal than it may seem. They really invest time and effort into making sure each frame order meets the highest standards from beginning to end. Only a handful of people will handle your frame before it arrives at your home, and we all take it very seriously.
What’s your favorite American Frame frame?
Our Black with Gold Lip Wood Picture Frame.. I love how elegant it looks, and how heavy it is. I also think it would look really nice in my bedroom at home.
Instagram Page: @nickadis!